Sunday, September 23, 2012

Current Connection

            Based on the picture, the artist is probably democratic.  He’s trying to make you think of the positive things Obama has done for the country and trying to make you consider voting for him again since it is getting near time to vote.  The author is smart for using something he has done that no American can think of as a negative thing.
Although many people think Obama has done nothing as president, his positive doings greatly outweigh his negative doings.  Many people are pessimistic toward him because he is African American.  Even though it might not seem like it, I think racism plays a major role in whether people think he has done a good job or not.
            Obama has done many great things for the country.  But, he’s almost done it under the radar.  Four years ago, this country was in a hole almost impossible to get out of.  The stock market was spiraling downward at historic rates.  He dug us out of that hole for the most part.  Domestic gas and oil production is climbing significantly.  Employment rates have gone up every month for the past 30 months, and GM, Ford, and Chrysler, formally on life support from the government, are thriving today.  The war in Iraq has ended, and most important of all, Osama bin Laden is dead.  He’s improved relations with Russia and Iran.  He has attempted to battle against emissions and the greenhouse effect.  He even donated all $1.4 million that he received from his Nobel Peace Prize to charity and nonprofit organizations.   Those are just a few of the great things he’s done.  Granted, this is all based on opinions, but it would be hard for any person to look at the facts, and everything he has done, and say what he has done is bad for the country.

Sunday, September 9, 2012



Four traits that describe me: Short tempered, athletic, rash, pessimistic

Related to: Tim Johnson, Linda Johnson, Tony Johnson, Andy Johnson, Sam Johnson

Lover of: Food, music, soccer

Who feels: Happy, satisfied, tired

Who needs: Something to do, money, a car

Who fears: Spiders, clowns, armageddon

Who gives: Inspiration, plenty of sarcasm, something to laugh at

Who would like to see: Oktoberfest, Germany, where my ancestors lived

Resident of: Batesville, Arkansas
